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A JS library to build portals ...

About stores

A store is an object with a save and load method to handle user data like portal layout, instanciated widgets, etc ...

By default portal.js provide a REST store and a localStorage store, but you can provide your own widget store by overriding the store options of your portal instance.

A store is composed of a load and save function returning promises of array of tabs.

Store contract is the following :

    save: (userId: String, tabs: Array[tab]) => Promise[Array[tab]],
    load: (userId: String) => Promise[Array[tab]]

For instance if you want to store your data in localstorage :

    userId: '123456',
    store: {
        save: function(userId, tabs) {
            var storeId = "tabsof-" + userId;
            var def = $.Deferred();
            localStorage.setItem(storeId, JSON.stringify(tabs || []));
            return def.promise();
        load: function(userId) {
            var storeId = "tabsof-" + userId;
            var def = $.Deferred();
            var tabs = localStorage.getItem(storeId) || '[]';
            return def.promise();